Cleaning the organism from parasites: get rid of the intruders

The number of pests in and around the person, and if you compare it with the virus or bacteria. They enter the body through the mouth, skin, and respiratory tract. Each year, the show for approximately one million cases of helminthes. More often than not, the kids get sick because of the hygiene, of behavior, and the lack of protection of property. The cleansing is not a big deal. We're going to talk about the most effective methods.

the parasites in the body

How to recognize them?

The objective in diagnosing parasitic diseases is difficult due to imperfections in the methods of the laboratory. The analysis of the faeces, the eggs of worms, and it often turns out to be a bad thing, but it does not confirm the absence of hiv infection. Therefore, it is important for you to know the signs that may you suspect yourself of parasites:

  1. In general, the symptoms of which are malaise, weakness, decrease in appetite, fast fatigue. They occur due to poisoning by the products of the life of the helminths.
  2. Decreased appetite and weight loss. At times, the man on the other hand, experiences constant hunger.
  3. Gastrointestinal disorders: nausea, flatulence, diarrhea, change in cold, and a little pain in my stomach. These symptoms are not permanent. Many times, a person "is shown in the" margin-of-error on the power supply, and do not reach the doctor.
  4. The reduction of the tension, which manifested itself in frequent colds, and aggravation of acute, chronic, persistent infection. Suffers from constant lip-rash on the lips, which is a clear sign of the decrease of the resistance of the body.
  5. Allergic reactions: - skin rash type of rash, dry throat at night, runny nose, and other. The body of the parasites that are the aliens, the agents, and therefore, the immune system will react to a rejection. The produced antibodies can be "confusing" the protein molecules from helminths, with the protein, making the food. So there is an allergic reaction.
  6. Disorders of the central nervous system. Overall toxicity did not go unnoticed to the cells of the nervous system. The man becomes irritable, nervous, bad sleep.
  7. Hypovitaminosis: the layers of the nail, brittleness and loss of hair, and dry skin. Helminthes, "Rob" is the man eating the food of its minerals.

All of these symptoms are non-specific. They carry lots of diseases, and because of this helminthiasis are often overlooked.

I have recently received a distribution from a prevention approach to the problem. Regular cleaning is recommended for all patients in the at-risk groups: young children, the hunters, the people who have a pet, or to get in touch with them in order to work.

Where do I begin cleansing?

The check-in and on the body of the parasites that don't happen in a day. Many times, a person has to encounter several different types. They break the work of all the organs and especially the liver, and the kidneys. The massive destruction of the alien agents, it may lead to severe toxicity, and executing the mechanisms of the auto-immune reaction. This will cause serious damage to your health, and takes him to the emergency room at the hospital. For this reason, it is important that the right approach to cleaning.

Before you begin the process of destroying the worms, and the need to create conditions unfavourable for the breeding of the animals, and the life. So this week it will begin to adhere to a diet:

  • we have the products, which will only affect the parasites: pineapple, pomegranate, garlic, kale, collard greens, pumpkin seed, fruits, vegetables, dairy products;
  • to give up all the food that they are going to "feed" visitors don't want-meat, fish, milk and dairy, sweets, loaf of bread, this is pone;
  • we did eat out a large amount of water.
  • the fruits and vegetables we eat are in their raw form;
  • we eat often in small portions (meals).

There are two concepts in the approach to the elimination of parasites, and the doctor, and for the people. Let us pause about the particular characteristics of each one.

pills, parasites,


The main problems of the medical treatment, you are of the diversity of species of parasites, and toxicity of most drugs.

The treatment is divided into three phases:

  1. Prep — detox-the elimination of the deficit of vitamins and enzymes in the digestive tract.
  2. The elimination of worms and parasites — the treatment is specific.
  3. Recovery — the second phase of detoxification, the excretion of the degradation products and the metabolic recovery.

Important! The medication may not be used without consulting a physician.

Recipes, studio

The Method Of Hilda Clark

The program of the cleansing effective way to get rid of not only the worms but also other parasites, bacteria, and viruses. Use the green shell of walnuts, dried wormwood and powdered clove.

The recipe of the dye from the nuts:

  • cleanse-15 green walnuts;
  • fill it with the color of the bark in the alcohol or vodka (0.5 liters);
  • we left for a month in a dark place.

We have adopted the scheme (at fasting): during the first day, one drop to dissolve in 100 ml of water and slowly drank it, and then, day by day, adding a drop at a time, beginning with the sixth day, the dose is 2. h. l. dye. Accept it every single day for a year.

The absinthe changelühAEM in the dust, and drinking on the progression and before the evening meal of the first day of a half of a teaspoon, and after the two days, along with a spoonful of the tea maker, 1.5-h. l.), which in turn increases the dosage every two days, up to 3.5 h. l.) (until the end of the second week). Then, taking it for a year in a half of a teaspoon in the evening.

The powder of cloves in the morning before breakfast, (1 serving corresponds to a volume of a garden pea, green pea): the first day 1 dose day two — 2 servings, then the third day, in 3 divided doses. From the tenth day of the nail, to drink, to set up to three times a week throughout the year (3 times).

The Russian TroyhAtka (1

The proposed method of professor Ivanchenko, E. E. and especially in our northern latitudes, where the nuts grow only in the south. It is also a purification of the wormwood, and the teeth, with the addition of tansy.

Prescription. Measure: tansy — 100-g-of-planet — 30 grams cloves — 50 g of all the ingredients in the pre-turn to dust). Stir well to mix.

The dosing process. 1 dose of 1.75 g (need to the doctors scale). For the convenience of was the first dose, and it is a measure of the amount of a teaspoon of the non-Russian).

How to take it. On the first day, drink 1 dose of the pill in the morning half an hour before a meal. On the second day, we added to the reception prior to the lunch break. Between the third and seventh days, 3 times a day (before meals). Later on, during the year, we aim to tool the of 1 dose once a week (for prevention).

The Russian TroyhAtka (2

The cleansing of the herbs in the same system as in the previous recipe. The tool is used, the mixture of the powder of the seeds of caraway (1 part), ground rhizome calamus (1), and shredded the petals of the marigold (in 2 parts). Stored in glass jars in the dark.

In the purification, the pure absinthe

The grass can be purchased at any local pharmacy. The scheme of reception of a teaspoon 30 minutes before breakfast and dinner for 1 month. Then, for the purposes of prevention, once a week. The "fight" with a taste of the bitter wormwood, the powder is poured into the inside of your offering of a ball, and swallows it whole.

garlic against pests


The medicinal properties of garlic have been well known to people long before the invention of antibiotics. With him, from the time of genghis khan, he fought with a virus, bacteria, and fungi.

Today, there are now 3 of the prescription of the cleansing of the organism against the parasites, with the help of garlic:

  1. Fast

You will need to have a glass of pure garlic, you need to eat it all at once. On the eve of that day in the evening, we had dinner, up to 18 hours. At 10 o'clock in the evening, we ate salted cucumber slices, or a bit of cabbage in it, and then all of a dose of garlic, sliced in png. Chewed you don't need. Drink the brine, or the juice from the tomatoes. The next day, just before lunch, we eat only the pickles and drink the brine. The substance, which, if you stand out in the gut, and lethal to any pests.

  1. Slow

This is the journal of second-hand of the head of garlic, starting with small sizes and gradually increase your. So glonтAEM chunks of garlic, whole, drink, pickle, seem to be freshly-squeezed prune, apple, tomato juice. The first effects that are observed in over a week.

  1. Enema

Too many people, difficult to eat large quantities of garlic at once. So, you can go to the tolchange. The preparation of the solution: crush 2 cloves, the company is in a container, then pour in the milk (0,5 l) you add the 2 St's. l., tansy, and let it simmer for about 10 minutes. OnStyushi broth, filter through a cheesecloth. A procedure that takes 2 cups. Repeat daily for up to 1 week.

These are contraindicated in certain diseases of the stomach and the intestines. During the procedure, it may occur that the unpleasant odor of the skin, which over time will disappear.


There are a lot, if you know that the alkaline environment is not suited for the life of the majority of the parasites. Just a shot of soda from the perforation by the enemas (mostly, they live in the large intestine). If only some of the losses (for example, lyamblJose the need to "get" even in the small intestine, the ingestion of caustic soda into the inside.

The processing passes through three stages:

  1. Colon cleansing salt water enema, with a red Stripe). The volume of water intake should be at least a liter (two more), then add 1-2 tablespoons of salt. At room temperature (22-24 °C). The filling of the intestines must be slow, so the procedure has remained pain-free.
  2. Enema food with a soda. In boiling water (800 ml), add a tablespoon or so of bicarbonate of soda, and heated to a temperature of from 37 °to 40°, With. Introduced into the intestine with the help of a unique Band, but it retains water for a longer time (if at all possible, and within half an hour.
  3. The regular repetition of the cleansing; enema from salt water pool.

Such procedures will have to undergo a period of 8-10 days (or every day, or stopping). The first enema may be accompanied by minor pain and the sensation.

For the purification of caustic soda

There is more of a holistic approach to cleansing the body against parasites in the soda. It also provides for the creation of an alkaline environment, it is not only in the intestine but also in the blood. So die as much as the adults and the larvae, which feed on blood.

The essence of the technique:

  • The cleansing of the bowel pass by the same pattern: onhandStandтеlüная enema with a saline solution, sodium enema), second onhandStandтеlüная enema.
  • On the first day: dissolve 0.2 of tablespoons of soda in a glass of onStуженнonй of water, boil the water and drink it three times a day before meals.
  • Monday, the fourth day increase the dose by 0.1% change in l. on a daily basis. The multiplicity of the reception is maintained.
  • The more you keep the dose of genus teaspoon 3 times a day for up to seven days.

In addition to the alkalization of the internal environment, with a can of soda has the property of anti-sepsis, which can reduce the inflammation of the mucous membrane of the intestines, which is caused by a worm.

The hydrogen peroxide

the cleaning of the body

Helminths can tolerate oxygen concentrations above 11 %. The hydrogen peroxide is broken down in the intestines into water and oxygen, which kills not only worms, but parasites and single-celled. In addition, the tool cleans up your intestines of toxins and waste materials.

The layout of the reception desk for a grown-up:

  • We took the mineral water and 3% hydrogen peroxide solution.
  • Day 1: take 1 drop diluted with water (50 ml), a half-hour prior to a meal.
  • Each and every day, increasing the dose one drop, amounting to up to 10 drops on the 10th.
  • A break of 3 days.
  • If the person doesn't feel bad to be a repeat of the course. We start with 10 drops, 3 times a day. Do the breaks 3 days to drink, 3 days of rest, up to the total duration of the treatment is not going to get the 21-day period.

The front desk of the hydrogen peroxide, for inside you may cause you side effects (diarrhea, nausea, skin rashes, and so on). In such cases, the processing should be stop. The lye and the water is considered to be one of the most effective ways to get rid of the parasites, as well as to create, for they are impossible in the conditions of their existence.

Potassium permanganate

Potassium permanganate is used as an antiseptic for many conditions. The pests are also killed by the use of this tool. Another effect is the stimulation of the peristaltic action of the bowel, and this creates the conditions for the removal of the victims of the helminths, and their toxins.

The technology of productions enemas with the use of a unique Track. It is important to mix the medicine well with the soft pink color. At high concentration it can cause burns and erosions of the mucous membrane. Prior to tolandзмonй to make sure that the crystal is well dissolved. With the aid of permanganate of potassium, to derive from, not only the malicious inhabitants of the gut, but all of them are trapped in the body of toxins.


The leader of this group is to kaStopka. Yet there is not a lot of time for the doctor to prescribe a medication of castor oil in almost all of the disease. It is a source of healthy fatty acids and is a great antiparasitic tool. The only downside of the bad taste and odor.

We are going to show you how to reduce this problem:

  • Stir in the honey, maple syrup or in pear nipple (for 3 and the dining lonжtoам oil, add a sweetener). RAStвonряем it all into 50 ml of water, and drink it in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • Pour kaStopky in the company, and of the utensils at the rate of 1 ml on 1 kg of weight, and put it on the fire. Set aside the juice of a lemon or a grapefruit, for zapivaniya. If you quickly drink it warmed castor oil, and immediately you drink the juice of citrus, it tastes unpleasant, it will not be as noticeable.
  • Revenue, particularly for the control of parasites: in the evening, at a dinner in the light of the porridge of rice, within 12 hours of the night, the sweet taste of green tea, and after a few minutes, and then drink 50ml of the oil, and go to sleep. The intended effect, right after you wake up. So, you can do a number of procedures were followed.
  • Stir in the kefir and feed about a tablespoon and a teaspoon of castor oil. Had a drink the night before, take it is best to don't have 6 hours a day.

Cleaning the organism from parasites in this way allows you to normalize your digestion and to lose a few pounds of excess weight.

Indications and Contra-indications

It is important to note that the purification of the organism against the parasites, an increase in the load on the system, check the liver, kidneys, and immunity to the input of toxins into the blood stream). In some cases, the treatment at home, you may not:

potassium permanganate for parasite
  • pregnancy and breast-feeding;
  • heavy-duty general-the disease migrated to the myocardial infarction, and stroke, congestive heart failure, the decompensation of any chronic condition;
  • cancer;
  • acute infectious diseases (influenza, COLDS, bronchitis, pneumonia, etc.).
  • the deviations in the functioning of the liver, and the kidneys;
  • stomach ulcer, erosions, and ulcers on the mucous membrane of the bowel;
  • the bleeding (including menstruation in women).

With the deterioration of your health, and you need to consult with your doctor. Heavy helminthiasis treat them in the hospital, going to drug detox and for controlling the functions of all the systems of the body.